Horned Grebe

Podiceps auritus

Conservation Concern 4

Although limited trend information is available from Yukon, Horned Grebes have suffered a 30% decline across Canada between 1986 and 2006, and a signi cant decline of 65% has been reported for Alberta. Horned Grebes are still relatively common on small lakes and wetlands in southern Yukon, but become less common as one travels north. Early migrants arrive in late April, but numbers quickly rise, peaking in the second week of May—up to 250 have been seen on Swan Lake, near Whitehorse. Between one and six eggs are laid in closely-guarded, oating nests. Horned Grebes feed on aquatic insects and small sh and frogs. The last fall migrants have usually left the territory by the end of October.

Description 4

The Horned Grebe is a small waterbird with striking breeding plumage: bright golden feathers are out behind the startlingly red eye, contrasting with a chunky, black head and back. The underparts are a rich, rusty brown.

Typical Habitat 4

Horned Grebes nest on ponds and small lakes with marshy margins. The adults dive for food in open water, but the oating nests are anchored in shallow water in the midst of dense stands of sedge, reeds, or horsetails.

Potential Threats 4

Wetland loss and degradation.

Did You Know? 4

Unlike ducks, grebes do not have fully webbed feet; instead, each toe has its own lobe of skin that helps the grebe swim through the water. Baby Horned Grebes have striking, black-and-white zebra stripes on their heads and necks. Horned Grebes are aggressive defenders of their nesting territories, so they usually nest as single pairs. But if the lake is large enough or food plentiful enough, several pairs may share the shoreline. Breeding Horned Grebes engage in a series of complex and spectacular ceremonial displays.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Ekaterina Chernetsova (Papchinskaya), some rights reserved (CC BY), https://www.flickr.com/photos/katechka/13909570780/
  2. (c) Len Blumin, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), http://www.flickr.com/photos/9062441@N02/2128032556
  3. (c) Hennie Cuper, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), https://www.flickr.com/photos/hj_cuper/16573069252/
  4. (c) L.G. Johanson, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Range Map

iNaturalist.ca Map

Animal Bird
Bird Grebes (Podicipedidae)
Color black, brown, grey, white