13-08-22/11 Gregarious as two densely packed groups of 30-50 basidiomata in leaf litter in a mature forest of Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera and Fagus grandifolia
Voucher specimen in the herbaium of the New Brunswick Museum (NBM)
Basidiomata forming a dense mass of erect and unbranched thalli, very fragile, glabrous, dry, light brown (HSV25:20:90), 90-130 x 3-6 mm
Stipe lacking
Flesh concolorous with the surface tissues in the cortex and white at the centre, lacking a distinctive odour and taste.
Basidiospores white in spore print, obovate to phasaeoliform in profile, smooth, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, 5.1-7.8 x 3.5-4.2 µm, Q = 1.37-2.09 (average[30]: 6.6±0.6 x 3.7±0.2 µm, Q = 1.77±0.15)
Basidia clavate, 4-spored, without a basal clamp connection, about 48-50 x 7.3-8.8 µm, Q = 4.9-6.7
Clamp connections lacking throughout
Stilbella-like anamorph on attached twigs of Sambucus nigra and Prunus padus. Sometimes in association with pyrenos, but not strictly.
Individual synnemata sometimes coalescing into larger orangeish formless mass. Ornamenting cells on stipe absent. Branching simple, conidiogenesis simple, apical. Conidia not exceeding 6x2um.
synnema tapered upwards, apex sterile, with lateral loose hyphae, conidia dry, not catenate. The shear number of condia suggests this is phialidic or anellidic but it isn't easy to see. Conidia length=3.4–4.0µm (µ=3.7, σ=0.2), width=2.2–2.5µm (µ=2.4, σ=0.1), Q=1.5–1.7µm (µ=1.6, σ=0.1), n=7
Sobre excrementos de Meles meles (tejón). Imagen con cadenas de conidios
Light pink mold grew around an old specimen of Sclerencoelia pruinosa (on Populus bark).
Helicoconidia measure in H2O
(26.9) 28.1 - 34.4 (38.3) × (20.5) 20.7 - 26.4 (27.2) µm
Q = (1.2) 1.21 - 1.48 (1.5) ; N = 11
Me = 31.8 × 23.3 µm ; Qe = 1.4
on a piece of rotten wood in very wet (normally submerged) habitat.
Several individuals, superficially resembling miniature Lasiosphaeria ovina. Sporodochia pale gray, less than 0.5mm in width, scattered, conidial mass surrounded by an arachnoid net of small thin, dichotomously branched pale to brown hyphae. Conidiogenous cells containing many relatively long denticle, often in quick succession on the conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells are hyaline
Conidia are aseptate, smooth, without appendages or visible sheets, somewhat allantoid and hyaline, they measure 6.5 - 9.5 X 2-2.5 µm.
Because of the arachnoid net surrounding the conidial mass and the conidia that are produced on denticles, the genus neta is the likely. Amongst the species, N. lignicola is easily reached using Castañeda and Heredia key (Mycotaxon 76: 132). N. tropicalis is also similar but have much more allantoid conidia.
also compare with N. patuxentica as seen here : https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/94171469
reared by a friend of mine from a wild Caterpillar, emerged on the 5 June 2020.
I asked her permission to use the picture of the Caterpillar to complement this observation.