About 2.5 inches long. Active at night on a wood railing.
Is it possible that it tossed his food out ahead of it as it jumped, and then caught it, for fun? That what it looked like?
The fish prey, Very shallow water near the shore.
Non-blacklighting nocturnal observation at Dagny Johnson for a bioblitz organized by Dr. Fletcher and park biologist Trudy Ferraro. I was also granted access to blacklight at night and snap some photos of insects!
All of my blacklighting observations from this visit:
Non-blacklighting observations:
Video showing the lights I use during a typical setup:
Journal post with notes about my observations for the bioblitz: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/joemdo/91924-dagny-johnson-bioblitz-april-6th-2024
Blacklighting project for Florida: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/blacklighting-florida
Polistes and Monobia quadridens turf war?
I saw this and it really stumped me, no pun intended. Couldn’t get an id and was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is.
what's going on with her abdominal segments here? does she have mites/parasites or something?
vs Ant
further ID help appreciated
Bedew’d, on rudbeckia
Maybe this one, having a go on some goldenrod.
Emerged from mud nest on 8/10/2023
Best guess is a predatory wasp paralyzed and collected the caterpillar into its mud nest. The wasp egg wasn't viable for some reason and never hatched to eat the stored food. So the paralyzation wore off and the caterpillar just pupated in the wasp nest. Not sure how else a caterpillar would have ended up in a mud nest like that. Other explanations are welcome.
Unexpectedly cute!
male; green eyes, curly antennae, extra thorax segments
Polistes annularis eating a Monarch Caterpillar
State and Federal agencies aware of this population.
These 2 moths were found on a wood pallet delivered to my workplace in Wyandotte Michigan. No idea on direction of travel to us. May have come from U.S. warehouse