Caught 5!
I’ve heard reports of this species in our area for many years. Today was my first sighting. North end of Quail Creek Reservoir, sunning. Skittish, it slipped off the rock and clung to the far side, about 18” under the surface, head skyward. As I began to pass slowly from a stand up paddleboard, it took quick inventory of me and dove deeper into the silty bottom of the lake. As my buddy and I vacated the area, it crawled back on the rock, perhaps with us being 30-40 meters away. Great experience. Also saw night heron and great blue heron in the same general area. Big win!
St. George Police Department reported finding this critter. The claim did not been seen in the area before. I would love to have the iNaturalist community help identify the species. Not my photo, obviously but I am curious.
Caught this guy and he gave me kisses, surprisingly strong bite tho
Hanging out in the planted buffalo sculpture
Prob 3 ft in length, very chill and cute
Second western leaf-nosed to ever be recorded in utah found at 9:40 PM Ambient temperature was 81°, and asphalt temperature was 86°. No clouds in the sky And no breeze It was a very hot day that day, found on the road alive on utah side.