Journal Entry from Lab Day #1

The ground is wet and a little cold. The wind whistles through the thin, bare trees around me. I can smell decaying leaves and warming mud. The sun is too weak to reach me. Birds sing and hop from branch to branch, avoiding me and my group and watching with beady eyes. They wonder what we’re doing, when we’ll be gone. We don’t belong.
Someone goes jogging by on the walkway near us. I wonder what they’re thinking- do they see some teenage punks who should be in school messing around in the woods? Do they think we live in the area? Do they not even notice?
Mud is smeared on my jeans and boots. I know my dogs will smell it on me when I return home; I wish they were with me, because my yellow labrador Ellie loves the woods and water. She’s a hunting dog, and would love to run through the fields and chase the birds. My beagle, Agnes, has never been in the woods before. She’d probably be terrified of everything.
It smells nice out here. Crisp and cold, but there’s the scent of warming air. I know spring is here, but it’ll take a while yet for the buds and flowers to appear. I miss spring and summer, with life everywhere you look. I like looking.

Posted on April 20, 2019 11:47 PM by growland growland


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