Journal archives for September 2019

September 15, 2019

ERS 346 Outing #1

Time and Date: 19/09/14 | 11:58 - 12:30
Duration: 32 minutes
Location: Norwich, Ontario (Reservoir at the end of Brock Street West)
Weather: Sunny with a medium cloud cover and medium humidity. 19 degrees Celsius
Habitat/Vegetation: Lake/reservoir at woodland's edge; residential neighbourhood also nearby.
Word Count: 319


While grass dominates most of the space around the reservoir, the first plant species I identified were the common jewelweed and nodding beggartick that grew in large patches along the water's edge. I was drawn by the bright colours; gold and orange. I identified these two species using iNaturalist's suggestions. I also noticed immediately that a dead fish was floating right at the edge of the lake. I identified this as a carp; I'd been fishing with my dad enough to recognize it. According to iNaturalist, they are quite invasive.

There was plenty of fish movement in the water; every few minutes, a fish would jump and make a small splash somewhere in the middle of the lake. The reservoir is man-made with a dam where several fish (which also looked like carp but it was hard to see with the distance) were trying to jump up to reach the water on the other side. It's likely that these carp are trying to migrate down the long stream attached to the reservoir. In terms of diet, they skim the bottom of the reservoir, eating the vegetation and insects they find (they're omnivores).

There were also at least 30 Canadian geese swimming about on the lake, likely staging for migration soon considering the time of year. As I walked further along the water's edge, I saw some Queen Anne's Lace (also known as Wild Carrot). I identified a wasp, a species in the genus Pimpla (though I could not identify exactly which species) perched atop the Wild Carrot, unsurprisingly as the adult Pimpla feed on flowers. I also noticed several other plant species that I also see constantly in Kitchener-Waterloo: New England Asters, Red Clover and Canadian Goldenrod. As I was observing the asters, I spotted a Ground Cricket; it was still and quiet as sat nearby (though it's peers were chirping about wildly all the while I was there).

Posted on September 15, 2019 11:16 PM by jennaltbraun jennaltbraun | 10 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
