Marion Maclean Curator

Joined: Oct 20, 2017 Last Active: Sep 15, 2024 iNaturalist

Delighted by the wonder of it all :-)

A veld nut.

Proud member of the African Caterpillar Rearing Group (CRG).

  • Reared from larval stage project (southern Africa) - our collection of beasties reared from eggs or larvae.
  • Pillar Parade project - help to identify lepi caterpillars in southern Africa.

Some useful iNat links

Locations of useful publications (because I can never find them again when I want to tell other people where to find them):




Caveat: I am notoriously bad at estimating size and distance. Please take all measurements (that are not backed up by a ruler or some other scale) with a pinch of salt.

I am also sharp as a bowling ball in the morning, and pretty useless in the afternoons. You can mostly trust morning IDs, but afternoon IDs should be treated with the suspicion they deserve.

Please do not ask me to collect animals for you because I will not.
My site: Karoo Studio

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