Joined: Dec 29, 2020 Last Active: Sep 8, 2024 iNaturalist
Hi, I am an amateur naturalist and high schooler. I am really interested in the native bees (not honey bees) as they are such a diverse group with a major role in most ecosystems. I joined this website to become better at identifying bees, learn what the bees I collect are (likely) and more about organisms in general (through amazing comments and photos by professionals and enthusiasts).
I am definitely still learning and love to hear the reasoning behind IDs of my observations, why I mis-identified mine or someone else's organism, or why someone else identified an organism as something.
some helpful resources in identifying bees:
-bumble bees of the northwest (U.S.)
-halictus species of the northwest (U.S.)
-Agapostemon species of the northwest
-genera of U.S. bees (be careful in use as it is more Eastern U.S. biased, still works for the west though)
Megachilidae species of the world, with a focus on U.S.A.
some tips:
-Only species of honey bee in South and North America is Apis mellifera.
-Ceratina on the northwest are mostly in the subgenus Zadontomerus, except for a small handful that are in other subgenera