Bad year, good year...

2020 is slowly but surely winding down, but with all of its horrible and disturbing chaos roaring back into full force. Hopefully the new year will bring the reprieve we're all pining for.
But it hasn't been all bad: our project has passed the 4000 observations mark just a few weeks ago, after passing the 3000 mark earlier in the year. So the BIG 5 (thousand) is well within sight at some point during 2021!

Over 700 observers have contributed to this effort to date, and we now have two new and enthusiastic curators, @dwaynesabine and @pdsmith who have graciously agreed to join and lend a hand to the growing task of confirming ever growing numbers of observations in need of IDs. Dwayne takes care of his area of expertise, the Maritimes freshwater malacofauna, and Paul tackle the same for his neck of the woods, Southern Ontario. So a heartfelt thank you to those two gentlemen!



Posted on October 21, 2020 12:11 PM by redgarter redgarter


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