Below is a list of ongoing projects in iNaturalist. Some require you to manually select it every time you submit an observation you want to add to that project. Other will decide which of your observations meets their project guidelines (only if you ask to join the project). I take photos of all sorts of things when I'm outside and if that helps someone else with their research, cheers! Having a bunch of projects tagged for my observations helps me with identifications. I can only barely differentiate animal, vegetable, mineral enough to get the ball rolling on IDs for a large percentage of the stuff I will poke at and take a photo of so the more projects I can add my observations to, the more likely I'll get an ID.
By submitting observations to a project rather than leaving them in the ether,
you may find identifiers who can shed light on some of your 'unknowns'. INat researchers might request you to look for certain flora/fauna in your area that they're hoping to fill data gaps on. They might have expert tips for what photo angles precisely are needed for a solid ID. I even had an iNat user ask me if they could use some of my photos in a book they'd like to publish.
The list below is what I have in my pile of projects but there are countless opportunities to add as you like. Let me know of other projects that we ought to add to this master list for anyone looking for topics they'd like to learn more about.
Agnatha of Texas
All Texas Nature
Alligators of Texas
American Alligator Mortality
Animalia of Texas
Antman Project
Arachnids and Myriapods of North America
Arachnids of North America
Arachnids of Texas
Arthropod Faces
birds of Texas
Bees and Wasps of Texas
Beetles with Pollen
Biodiversity of Southeastern Mixed Forest
Brazoria County Comprehensive Spider Survey
Brazos Bend State Park
Brazos Bend State Park Birds
Camp Mohawk County Park - Alvin, Texas
Chondrichthyes of Texas
Deer Park Prairie
False Widow Spiders of the World
Flies of the US and Canada
Flora and Fauna of Xeriscape Park - Quintana Park Wildlife Sanctuary
Found Feathers
Fungi of Texas
Galveston County Fauna
Global Ant Project
Global Pollinator Watch
GTWT Adopt-A-Loop
Herps of the Upper Texas Coast
Herps of Texas
iNaturalist Spider Working Group
Insects of Texas
It's Okay To Be Smart-Global Survey
Lepidoptera of Texas
Monarch and Milkweed Monitor
Moths of Texas
Mushrooms of Texas
Nash Prairie Preserve
NPS - Mortality in Parks
Osteichthyes of Texas
Plantae of Texas
Plants and Wildlife of SE Texas
Plants of Texas
Plume Moths
Rare Plants of Texas
Ribbon Snakes of Texas
Road Mortality Survey
Robber Flies of the United States
Seeds and Fruits
Shadow Creek Ranch Trail and Nature Park
Skulls and Bones
Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research
Spider Spinnerets & Spigots
Spiders and Bats of the World
Spiders of Earth
Spiders of Galveston County, Texas
Spiders of Harris County, Texas
Spiders of the Mid-Coast Texas Master Naturalist Chapter
Texas Animals
Texas Biodiversity
Texas Invasives
Texas Master Naturalists
Texas Odonata
Texas Seashells
Texas Tortoise Task Force
The Insects of Texas
The Oaks of Texas
TNC Nash Prairie Preserve
Tracking Red-Eared Sliders
Turtle Mortality Survey
Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae) of North America
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