Tropical Screech-Owl

Megascops choliba

Overview 2

The Tropical Screech-Owl is the most common and widespread screech-owl of the neotropicis. This species is found from Costa Rica south through much of lowland South America, and also is present on Trinidad. The Tropical Screech-Owl is one of the most successful and adaptable species of screech-owl in South America, but little is known about its natural history.

This species is characterized by its ear tufts, light gray facial disk outlined in black and a distinct pattern of dusky, herringbone streaks on the underparts. This species, which formerly was known as Otus choliba, has nine recognized subspecies. Most Tropical Screech-Owls are gray-brown in color; brown and red morphs also occur, although the red morph is rare.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Joven, all rights reserved, uploaded by Joven
  2. (c) Joven, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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