Semiplumbeous Hawk

Leucopternis semiplumbeus

Overview 1

The Semiplumbeous Hawk is restricted to humid forests in the tropical and subtropical zones the lowlands and foothills from Costa Rica south to the Choco biogeographic region of northwestern South American. It is a distinctly bicolored hawk, dark gray above with a white throat and underparts. In addition, this species has conspicuous yellow eyes and orange legs and cere. Typical of the genus Leucopternis, it is very poorly known, with virtually no information on its basic natural history. The limited dietary information available suggests that it feeds on lizards and snakes with a sit and wait strategy, much like other species of Leucopternis. Additionally, there are tantalizing records of birds ascribed to this species from western Amazonia, near Iquitos, Peru, which could well turn out to be new population of Semiplumbeous Hawk, or, perhaps, even an undescribed species.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Joven, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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