Great Egret

Ardea alba

Overview 2

The Great Egret is characteristically large and white, with dark legs and feet and a bare facial skin patch that reaches beyond the eye. These birds are found throughout almost the entirety of Central and South America save parts of the Pacific Coast of Chile and Tierra del Fuego. Great Egrets live in all kinds of wetlands, both inland and coastal, and feed on a variety of aquatic organisms such as fish, snakes and crustaceans. Although these egrets primarily are solitary "stand and wait" feeders, they may congregate in aggregations of hundreds or more if food abundant. Great Egrets are colonial nesters and may be found in mixed species colonies of ten or more pairs.

Photographs 2

These photos were not taken at Cocobolo but Great Egrets have been seen there. The photos were taken at the Chagres River.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Joven, all rights reserved, uploaded by Joven
  2. (c) Joven, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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