Long-legged Myotis

Myotis volans

Description 2

The long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) is a species of vesper bat that can be found in western Canada, Mexico, and the western United States.

Summary 3

Myotis volans range from 83 to 100mm in total length with a wingspan from 215 to 272mm. Fur color varies from reddish-brown to nearly black with the ventral fur being relatively dark. The ventral fur extends onto the underside of the wing to a line joining the elbow and knee. The ears are relatively short (9 to 15mm) with rounded tips and barely extend to the nose when pushed forward. The tragus is long (5 to 7mm) and narrow. The calcar bears a prominent keel and the third metacarpal is longer than the fourth and fifth. The common name is derived from its relatively long tibia and the feet are relatively small. Characteristics of the skull include a short rostrum, steep forhead, broad interorbital region, and globose brain-case.


Range 3

Found in Iron County, Utah.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) stephaniefausett, all rights reserved
  2. Adapted by stephaniefausett from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myotis_volans
  3. (c) stephaniefausett, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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