Belted Whiteface / Leucorrhine apprivoisée

Leucorrhinia proxima

Fundy Nature Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes 2

Belted Whiteface / Leucorrhine apprivoisée
(Leucorrhinia proxima)

Size: 31-37 mm

First Fundy record: July 4th, 2013 (image included here)

Status/Habitat: Widespread and relatively common at ponds and lakes in the park and throughout New Brunswick, but seemingly never found in large numbers. In general,. occurs in ponds and lakes that are well vegetated; also occurs in bogs and the boggy margins of various standing water features.

Flight period in New Brunswick: May 24th-August 24th

ID Hints: Younger males are hard to distinguish from Crimson-ringed Whiteface; older males most closely resemble Frosted Whiteface, but usually show some red under the waxy coating that forms on the front half of the abdomen. Females are hard to distinguish from their congeners as well. It is best to confirm ID in hand.

Nature Notes:

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Denis Doucet, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Denis Doucet
  2. (c) Denis Doucet, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

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Family Libellulidae