- size: small; maximum 50 mm, most specimen less than 30 mm
- thickness: thin
- shape: trapezoid; blunted pointed posterior end; posterior ridge curved downward; straight to slightly concave ventral edge.
- width: moderately inflated
- surface: smooth
- color/markings: greenish, with numerous thin, green, wavy rays
- beaks: extend slightly above hinge line; sculptures: 6 to 8 heavy, irregular/broken single loop bars
- sexual dymorphism: none
- pseudocardinal teeth: small, slightly compressed
- lateral teeth: small, low
- nacre: bluish white
Soft parts: ----
Similar species/lookalikes: Diminutive size, trapezoid shape and heavy beak sculptures make this species realtively distinct. May resemble live young A. marginata, but that species usually has a longer overall shape, and has small corrugations on posterior slope. A. marginata doesn't have well developped pseudocardinals, and has very heavy, undroken beak sculptures.
Lake Huron-St-Clair dr.:
Sources and Credits
- (c) Philippe Blais, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by Philippe Blais
- (c) Mignoffo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Mignoffo
- (c) Matthew Ireland, all rights reserved, uploaded by Matthew Ireland
- (c) Philippe Blais, all rights reserved, uploaded by Philippe Blais
- Adapted by Philippe Blais from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
- (c) Philippe Blais, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
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