Observations hiatus

Hello to all of my dear iNaturalist friends. I've recently had an exciting trip where I made over 500 observations of lots of very cool things. Unfortunately, on arriving home there have been several different emergencies taking place all at the same time, including lack of air conditioning in our home (thanks Texas) and very serious family emergency. It's been an incredibly difficult past few days. So for now I've decided to hold off on posting any new observations until things are resolved and life can continue as normal. I'm really not sure of the timeframe on that, but the emergency is being handled by professionals, so I know things will go back to being okay in due time. I look forward to posting again so we can celebrate all the great new things that I've observed together.

I'll still try to make some IDs when I can, but if I take longer to respond to messages or tags this is why. Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,

Posted on July 10, 2022 09:40 PM by elytrid elytrid


Hang in there, Gabe. Hope things get back to normal for you soon.

Posted by amzapp about 2 years ago

Prayers sent to you and your family. Take all the time you need, we'll be here when you return. Take care.

Posted by dusty_in_vilas-tx about 2 years ago

Adding you into my prayers. Take care of yourself and your family.

Posted by whateverwatcher about 2 years ago

Hey Gabe, you've got loads of friends here that really care about you. Sending you positive energy and good thoughts, my friend.

Posted by sambiology about 2 years ago

Thank you guys for the support, it means a ton to me. The past few weeks have undoubtedly been some of the most difficult times of my life, but I think it's finally safe to say things are starting to look up again even with a lot of big challenges remaining to be dealt with in the near future. I should resume uploading my queue of observations relatively soon. Thanks again!

Posted by elytrid about 2 years ago

Life has still been pretty crazy but I'm resuming uploading again anyway. 767 observations are queued... I think I'm going to spread these out over several days in hopes of getting as many IDs as possible. Thank you guys!

Posted by elytrid almost 2 years ago

Hello Gabe,
Thanks for providing an ID for my Yellow-horned Flower Longhorn Flower Beetle, a very quick response. I am new to iNaturalist as of today Jan 26-2023. So I have a lot to learn how this fascinating site can be used.
I like your profile starting out with the Michigan roots. I was born and raised in Michigan. Born in Detroit, raised in St. Clair Shores, and as an adult lived in Royal Oak and Troy. Also lived one year in Alexandria Va, where I captured a terrific (IMHO) photo of the Robber Fly with the Flower beetle. Curious if you lived in any of the above areas. Currently we live in Green Valley, AZ, an awesome location for viewing the natural world. Mostly went after birds, but will trip the shutter for anything of beauty or interest.
I am preparing the photo to enter the Nikon Photo Contest so I wanted good ID's, thanks again. Hope you get to upgrade to a good digital camera with macro lens someday.
Jerry McHale

Posted by gtmchale over 1 year ago

Hey Jerry,
You're welcome, and welcome to iNat! It's a very fun and useful site. :)
I'm from the Plymouth/Canton area so not too far at all. I've been to Arizona before when I was younger but would love to go again; it's definitely a great spot for biodiversity! Good luck with the photo contest! I'm always happy to help with IDs when I can.

Posted by elytrid over 1 year ago

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