Day 4 A state and a County Bird in Massachusetts

Went birding with Pat to Massachusetts. We first chased the a yellow throated warbler in Lancaster, Worcester County. it took us much longer to find the feeders than to find the bird. The stakeout mark was in a middle of a pond, and the bird, was actually up the hill in the next town, about .2 miles away. We finally used inaturalist mark to find the bird. Ebird was exhausting. The bird made an appearance almost immediately on the front feeders, and then 20 minutes (the interval described in ebird) on the back feeders. Standard feeder birds also present. The warbler was coming to pine cones with peanut butter.

Salisbury Beach Reservation was wonderful. We were going for red crossbills, didn't get, and ww crossbills, didn't get, but had a spectacular photo op with red cross bills in some roadside pines, and a long eared owl that was obscured by pine needles, and protected by traffic cones so no one got too close. It was an excellent solution to allow people to see the bird, and yet not push it. We only saw one with a scope, though 2 had been reported. We also saw a tree full of snow buntings in the camp ground. Lots of people out enjoying the park. The sky portended a storm coming.

Distance walked .4

So state bird was Yellow throated warbler also county Worcester
County bird long eared owl.

Posted on February 1, 2021 02:20 AM by mainebirder mainebirder


Photos / Sounds


Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)




January 31, 2021 01:29 PM EST


vocalizing. Flock of 25

Photos / Sounds


Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)




January 31, 2021 01:54 PM EST


feeding on ground, several snow buntings in flock. Flight calls

Photos / Sounds


Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)




January 31, 2021 01:48 PM EST


75 buntings in flock. Leaving perch and returning. Vocalizing.


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