The City Nature Challenge is less than a week away! April 24-27

Hey everyone!

The City Nature Challenge is back again this year from April 24-27! While COVID-19 has put a dampener on our plans, the main CNC organizers, as well as many other cities, are going ahead with the CNC but in a very limited way. This time around we don't have any group activities like guided walks and bioblitzes and are instead encouraging individuals or small family units to go out on their own and make observations in their own houses, backyards, neighborhoods and where/when it is safe to do so, parks and woodlands (while using masks and maintaining proper social distancing guidelines, of course). The CNC is also not being pitched as a competition this year, but rather as a collaborative effort where cities around the world work together to document biodiversity in urban areas.

Like last year, the challenge area is the county of Philadelphia plus all counties that directly share a border with Philadelphia. This includes Montgomery, Bucks and Delaware counties in PA and Camden, Gloucester and Burlington counties in NJ. During the competition last year, the Greater Philadelphia Area did pretty well coming in the low 20s for both observations and species but what we did really well in was the number of people participating (thanks to all of you!) coming in 16th place, and beating NYC with over 500 people making at least one observation.

I'm tagging you here because you are one of the top observers in our region (either all time or recently) and we would love to have your help in making even more observations during this 4 day period next weekend. And to make sure we get as many species as possible, I've made a simple website that shows you all the species that have been reported in our region during April and May, but not yet seen during the CNC: The species are organized in descending order of how many observations have been made for that species. As people make observations, they will fall of that list every 30 minutes or so.

We would also love your help in spreading the word about the CNC among your family and friends. You can also tag them in the comments here.

Here are some useful links with more info:
Philly CNC website:
Philly CNC iNat project:
Main CNC website:
Last year's results:

Thanks for documenting the biodiversity of our region and we hope you'll help us during the CNC as well.

@josephthebirder @keimwj @johnnysap @brennafarrell @danefroymson @robizzy @zroskoph @prolleston @annebekker @brittany101 @joedurrance @nmacelko2 @conboy @augien @kmv @clearwing_moth @jenovak @mikehannisian @bobby23 @srall @michaelpirrello @gracejeschke @milkweedhunter @michaelmorris @kdstutzman @sgreene13 @robm2 @sandykeller @jason310 @jonibaum @stretchwell @brianwhite @colinpurrington @bugsandbirds @jstippick @newlingristmill @bmac922 @katesnowbird @kristym @go2nature @mycofreak @godshallcs @maricel-patino @darthlobster @cliffh @mark_fallon @choess @vaskointeractv @tanyadapkey @sgalen @linda142 @yan_tonz @timothymswartz @khenderson @krisalis @tonycrow @seahound @katedillard @cathybru @sammakler @bborgmannwinter @javiehweg @variegata @jawnattenborough @phillyphantailphan @jason310

Posted on April 18, 2020 03:47 PM by navin_sasikumar navin_sasikumar


Can’t wait! Thanks for your work in organizing.

Posted by conboy over 4 years ago

The target species list is a brilliant idea!

Posted by jenovak over 4 years ago

It'll be interesting to see how this goes and the list is certainly going to help focusing on the common things.

Posted by josephthebirder over 4 years ago

I love the idea of the target species list.

I am in central NJ. I usually do NYC for the CNC (I was their #2 observer last year), but am not comfortable heading there this year. I would be willing to drive down to northern Burlington County to observe for Philly, but I need suggestions of parks that are still open where I could park my car and walk.


Posted by srall over 4 years ago

@srall I remember seeing you on the NYC leaderboard last year and almost didn't include you here so I'm glad I did. Unfortunately, I don't know of any parks that are open for sure in northern Burlington county. I asked around and hopefully, someone has some suggestions. Or maybe someone else I've tagged here might have an idea. We could love to have you part of the Philly effort this year, so I'm hoping we can come up with something that is safe and legal.

And thank you everyone for the comments about the target list. Hopefully, that will help us knock of target species safely.

Posted by navin_sasikumar over 4 years ago

Count me in!! I will hit Gloucester and Camden spots! All the spots I normally hit in Burlington are closed now srall. Great idea with target list - I will bookmark it! How do I join the project Navin?

Posted by sandykeller over 4 years ago

I just joined..... I figured it out. This will be fun! Let's hope for good weather!

Posted by sandykeller over 4 years ago

I figure I can always park at a grocery store and walk their parking lot edges. Should knock out a lot of those common but not posted species that way, anyway.

I volunteer on the local rescue squad on Fridays, though, so you won't see me post until Sat.

Posted by srall over 4 years ago

Great! There's always something out there to be found!

Posted by sandykeller over 4 years ago

Thank you @sandykeller and @srall! I appreciate your efforts!

Posted by navin_sasikumar over 4 years ago

Thanks! I'll post observations from Montgomery County. The target list is really useful!

Posted by cliffh over 4 years ago

I'll putz around Camden County, scanning the ground for plants, the logs for insects and arachnids, the trees and skies for birds, and enjoying the days as a whole. This'll be fun!

Posted by josephthebirder over 4 years ago

This will be great fun!

Posted by sandykeller over 4 years ago

Looking forward to it!

Posted by mycofreak over 4 years ago

Thanks everyone1 I really appreciate your efforts!

Posted by navin_sasikumar over 4 years ago

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