30 minutes Butterfly Count - BBM

Counting Butterflies today 13.09.2020 at Nanded City Pune.

Myself and my son Kushal decided to go on a Butterfly count today morning.
It was a cloudy day since morning but the Sun was peeping in between several times so we were sure that we would be able to get satisfactory sightings during the 30 minutes count.
We both left home around 10 am at were at the spot within 10 minutes where we observe Butterflies everytime. The Butterfly spot is located nearby the Mutha river which flows towards Pune City.

The habitat is mixture of farmland and scrubland with a stream.
We decided to start the count from 10:15 to 10:45 am.

The following Butterflies were spotted during 30 minute count-

  1. Common Grass Yellow
  2. Blue Mormon (photo could not be taken)
  3. Common Rose
  4. Plain tiger
  5. Common Emigrant
  6. Common Jezebel
  7. Gram blue
  8. Common Gull
  9. Common Castor
  10. Common Mormon
  11. Lime Swallowtail
  12. Lemon Pansy
  13. Skipper (correct id yet to be identified)
  14. Tawny Coster
  15. Common Evening Brown
  16. Baby Fivering
  17. Slate Flash
  18. Common Pierrot
  19. Daniad eggfly

Following butterflies were spotted after the 30 minute count

  1. Scare Shot Silverline (female) (yet to be identified)
  2. Long Banded Silverline
  3. Silver Royal (yet to be identified)
  4. Indigo Flash
  5. Mottled Emigrant
  6. Glassy Tiger
  7. Common Sailor
  8. Great Eggfly (male)
  9. Dark Cerulean
  10. Chocolate Pansy
  11. Blue Pansy
  12. Yellow Pansy
  13. Common Grass Dart
  14. African Babbul Blue
  15. Zebra Blue
  16. Pea Blue
  17. Common Fivering
  18. Common Wanderer
  19. Lesser Grass Blue
  20. Pale/ Dark Grass Blue
  21. Common Cerulean
  22. Swift species (yet to be identified)
  23. Pioneer White (no photo)

It was the first count for my son Kushal and he enjoyed and learnt a lot as he had to identify more species in a short time. Happy to see him getting more interested in observing and identifying butterflies.
Our show stopper of today's count was the Blue Mormon which came in the last minute but we couldn't click any photos of the beautiful Butterfly but were surprised to see it for the first time in the habitat that we visit regularly.
In one instance we observed the Great Eggfly driving away the Blue Mormon from its territory. at an height of approx 15 to 20 feet.

Sharing few photos of the count.

Happy Butterflying to all.

Pavan Damoor.
Butterflies of Pune.

Posted on September 14, 2020 02:25 PM by pavandamoor pavandamoor


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