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Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)




February 27, 2020 12:32 PM +07


Distance (Ricinus communis) is a wild plant a year (annual) and is usually found in forests, vacant land, in coastal areas, but often also bred in plantations. This plant is classified as a shrub plant, has a single leaf perched between 7-9, 10-40 cm in diameter. This plant is a plant species of Euphorbiaceae and belongs to the genus Ricinus, subribe Ricininae.
The term for jatropha in Indonesia varies from region to region. In West Java it is called 'Kaliki'. In Sumatra, distance is known as Dulang and some people call it Gloah. In Madura, distance is called Kalĕkĕ.
The benefits
Parts of jatropha plant that can be used are seeds, roots, leaves, and oil from the seeds. In general, almost all parts of jatropha plant can be used as medicine. the leaves are used as a remedy for ulceration, eczema, itching (pruritus), coughing and hernias. .the root part is used for rheumatic joints, tetanus, epilepsy, bronchitis in children, wounds, TB glands and schizophrenia (mental disorders). the seed part is used to reduce difficulty in defecation (constipation), cervical and skin cancer (carcinoma of cervix and skin), visceroptosis / gastroptosis, difficulty in giving birth and retained placenta / placenta, facial muscle paralysis, tuberculosisglands, ulcers, ulcerations, scabies, fungal and swollen infections.castor seeds also produce an oil called castor oil or ricin oil. Castor oil in general, is often used for industrial, medical and military purposes. in Indonesia, castor oil is used for the paint industry, textiles, synthetic fibers, medicines, to cosmetics and rocket fuels.

This plant is a source of castor oil, and contains the substance ricin, a type of deadly poison. Jatropha is the only plant whose seeds are rich in a hydroxy fatty acid, namely ricinoleic acid. the presence of these fatty acids makes castor oil have a stable viscosity at high temperatures so that castor oil is used as a lubricant mixture. Castor oil which has heat-resistant properties, has been widely favored and ordered by the cosmetics processing industry, pharmaceuticals, paint factories, plywood industry, textiles, and others, both from within and outside the country. in developed countries, castor oil is used by the military as aircraft lubricants and explosives. In addition, castor oil is also used as a material for producing synthetic soap, nylon, ink, varnish and paint. Until now, castor beans are still needed in Indonesia by pharmaceutical companies, paint oil producers, and putty boat glue, although domestic production of around 12,000 tons a year has not been able to meet the needs of castor beans.

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Starfruit (Averrhoa carambola)




February 27, 2020 12:30 PM +07


Common name
Indonesia: Sweet star fruit, starfruit (Javanese), balingbing (Sundanese)
England: Star Fruit
Thailand: Mafuang
Philippines: Balimbing
China: Yang Tao
Japan: Gorenshi
Averrhoa carambola
Sweet Carambola

Kingdom: Plantae (Plants)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Vascular Plants)
Super Division: Spermatophyta (Producing seeds)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida (two pieces / dicot)
Sub Class: Rosidae 
Order: Geraniales
Family: Oxalidaceae (starfruit group)
Genus: Averrhoa
Species: Averrhoa carambola L.

Star fruit (Averrhoa carambola or in English is called Star fruit) is one of the fruit plants that have a distinctive shape. This plant originates from Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia. but now its spread is very broad, that is, almost in all corners of the world. Star fruit is one of the tropical fruit plants, star fruit trees have a height of about 5 meters with many branches. the leaves are compound and have a length of about 50 cm, flowers on star fruit plants have a pink color. fruit in starfruit plants contain a lot of water, has a greenish color and there is a yellow, if the fruit is cut it will look cross-section like a star shape. sweet fruit taste with a little acid, the seeds in the fruit are black or brown.
Benefits of Carambola :

  1. Can treat cough in children
    2.Can treat thrush and bleeding gums

  2. Can reduce pain in cavities
  3. Can overcome tinea versicolor and acne
  4. Can help reduce high blood pressure or hypertension
  5. can prevent diabetes
  6. Can help provide protection to avoid paralysis
  7. Can help launch the digestive process because of its fiber content
  8. Can be used for diets because they contain pectin
  9. can treat inflammation of the rectum

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Sea Almond (Terminalia catappa)




February 27, 2020 12:28 PM +07


Ketapang trees are often planted as shade trees in parks or roadside. Ketapang trees have a distinctive branch and canopy shape. The branches are level and the canopy is stratified like a pagoda structure.
besides called ketapang, this tree has various regional names such as hatapang (Batak), katafa (Nias), katapieng (Minangkabau), lahapang (Simeulue), ketapas (Timor), Roof (Bugis), talisei, tarisei, salrise (North Sulawesi) , tiliso, tiliho ,ngusu (North Maluku), sarisa, sirisa, sirisal, sarisalo (Maluku), lisa (Rote), and kalis, kris (Papua).
the name of this plant in English is tropical almond, Indian-almond, Umbrella tree, Sea almond, and Beach almond. the name of this plant in Latin (scientific) is Terminalia catappa L. which is synonymous with Terminalia moluccana Lamk., Terminalia procera Roxb., and Terminalia latifolia Blanco.

Benefits of Ketapang. Ketapang has been a multipurpose tree for a long time. Pepagan (outer skin) and the leaves are useful for tanning the skin, natural dyes, and as ink. The wood has a fairly good quality even though it is vulnerable to termites. Ketapang seeds can be eaten and contain oil (similar to almond oil) so that it is often used as a substitute for almond oil which is efficacious to relieve inflammation of the stomach cavity. if cooked with the leaves, in curing leprosy, scabies and other skin diseases. The flesh is edible, but fibrous and not tasty even though it smells good. The leaves are used for arthritis in the joints. tannins from pepagan and their leaves are used as astringents in dysentery and thrush. Also as a diuretic, cardiotonic and used as an external medicine for skin eruptions.

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Soursop (Annona muricata)




February 27, 2020 12:26 PM +07


Indonesia Soursop fruit is also called jackfruit or Dutch durian with the Latin name Annona muricata L, is a plant rich in benefits that come from the Caribbean, Central America and South America. Soursop Saun contains Acetoginin (Bulacin, Asimisin and Squamosin) compounds. This acetoginin in high compounds functions as an anti-feedent. Even pests are reluctant to eat soursop tree leaves, in low concentrations can cause insect pests that eat them will die.
Soursop is a plant with a tree height of about 8 meters. Woody brown stalks, rounded, branched. .have an egg-shaped or lancet leaf, pointed tip, flat edge, tapered base, pinnate reinforcement, 5 mm stem length, yellowish green. flowers are located on stems or twigs, small petal leaves, yellowish white, many hairy stamens. .the fruit is not true fruit, which is called "fruit" is actually a collection of fruits (aggregate fruit) with a single seed that coincide with each other and lose the boundary between the fruits. Soursop flesh is white and has black seeds. light brown roots, rounded with tap roots (Syamsuhidayat and Hutapea, 1991). Soursop leaves contain acetogenin compounds, essential oils, reticuline, loreximine, coclaurine, annomurine, higenamine.

Soursop fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, especially fructose. Other nutritional content is vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 which are quite a lot. Seeds are poisonous and can be used as natural insecticides, as are sugarcane seeds. Soursop leaves are beneficial to inhibit cancer cells by inducing apoptosis, antidiarrheal, analgesic, anti-dysentery, anti-asthma, anthelmitic, blood vessel dilation, stimulate digestion, reduce depression (McLaughlin, 2008).

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Kashmir Tree (Gmelina arborea)




January 16, 2020 11:30 AM +07


Teak tree is a type of high-quality wood-producing tree with a large tree, straight trunk, can grow to reach a height of 30-40 meters.
It also has large leaves that fall in the dry season.
this plant which has the scientific name Tectona grandis.L.F can be used as a material for making boats, flooring, furniture, cabinets, musical instruments, railroad pads, bridge poles, girder houses and so forth.
This teak tree is a typical vegetation of the season forest.
This season's forests are found in areas that have clear seasonal changes, which are the dry season and the rainy season.

it also has a relatively long dry season period. In general, during the dry season, vegetative plants forest season will drop leaves or molt.
this is done to reduce the high rate of evaporation in plants.
One example of plants that molt during the dry season is teak.
in addition to shedding the leaves during the dry season, this season's forest also has another characteristic, namely that the forest area is dominated by one main plant species or what is called a homogeneous forest. most people are certainly familiar with the name of teak tree. Teak tree has strong wood and can be utilized for various things such as to make a house.
Usually in the dry season the leaves of this tree will dry out. plants that can only grow in tropical rain forests with temperatures ranging from 27 - 300C and the growth rate is slow.
Therefore it takes a long time to be utilized. as for some of the advantages that characterize teak wood, namely:
The wood of this teak tree is strong and large with a diameter of about 200 cm
This teak tree is durable if used for making goods
has a yellowish brown brown bark with a cracked texture according to the elongated, loose and scaly grooves.
The leaves are facing, pointed and short-stemmed with a rough green upper leaf. while the bottom leaves are yellowish green and downy and include red hairs that develop when the leaves are damaged or damaged.
teak trees usually bloom every year with a heavy start at the beginning of the rainy season and if enough water can flower in the dry season (in watersheds).

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Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota)




January 16, 2020 11:30 AM +07


Sapodilla called neesbery or sapodilas are fruit plants in the form of originating from Guatemala (Central America), Mexico and the West Indies. but in Indonesia, sapodilla plants have long been known and widely grown from lowlands to places with an altitude of 1200 m above sea level, such as in Java and Madura. Sapodilla plants in plant taxonomy are classified as follows:
division: Spermatophyta (Seed plants)
Subdivision: Angiosperms (Covered seeds)
Class: Dicotyledonae (Double-eyed seeds)
Order: Ebenales
Family: Sapotaceae
Genus: Achras or Manilkara
Species: Acrhras zapota. l are synonymous with Manilkara achras. The benefits of sapodilla are as fresh fruit food or processed food ingredients such as ice cream, jam, syrup or fermented into wine or vinegar. In addition, other benefits of sapodilla plants in human life are:
a) Green plants on dry and critical lands.
b) Ornamental plants in pots and living pharmacies for the family;
c) Gum-producing plants for the raw material for the gum industry;
d) Timber plants which are very good for making household furniture.

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Papaya (Carica papaya)




January 16, 2020 11:30 AM +07


Papaya (Carica papaya L.), or betik is a plant that originated in southern Mexico and northern parts of South America, and is now widely spread and widely planted throughout the tropics for its fruit. c. papaya is the only type in the genus Carica. The name papaya in Indonesian is taken from the Dutch language, "papaja", which in turn also takes from the name of the Arawak language, "papaya". in Javanese papaya is called "katès" and in Sundanese "gedang".Papaya fruit is eaten by the flesh, both when young and ripe. Young fruit meat is cooked as a vegetable. Ripe fruit meat is eaten fresh or as a fruit cocktail mixture. papaya leaves, can be used as a mixture of fresh vegetables in Indonesia known as "buntil" (usually young papaya leaves are dissolved with hot water first), besides that papaya leaves are also used as a softenermeat, which is usually taken from papaya gum called "papain" papaya gum (found in stems, leaves and fruit) contains the enzyme papain, a kind of protease, which can soften meat and alter other protein conformations. papain has been mass produced and has become a commercial commodity. Fruit Extracting Fruit juice is taken from fruits that are 2.5-3 months old. Fruit that is in a tapping period must remain dependent on the main stem. The tapping is carried out up to seven times with a tapping interval of four days, then the time needed for tapping is around 28 days. the right time to tap is the morning before sunrise or the afternoon before sunset.
Papaya leaves are also medicinal and the juice is used in traditional medicine to increase appetite.

Papaya is monodioecious' (single house and double house) with three sexes: male, female, and pansy (hermaphrodite) plants. male plants known as "hanging papaya", which although males can sometimes produce fruit as well as "parthenogenesis". This fruit is infertile (does not produce fertile seeds), and used as traditional medicinal ingredients. papaya flowers have pale yellow petals with stems or sitting on stems. Male flowers in male plants grow on long stems. Flowers are usually found in the area around the shoots. internal benefits of papaya are as medicines that can be extracted first and then made as capsules, the external benefits of papaya are as
fruit salad, especially fruit from papaya, besides that the external benefits of papaya can also be as papain flour which is usually utilized as a home industry.

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