Legacy Giving

Bequest Language for iNaturalist

An estate gift to iNaturalist creates a lasting legacy for you and your family. You can invest in nature while also providing for your loved ones, achieving your financial goals, and sharing your philanthropic values with future generations.

EIN: 92-1296468

Mission: iNaturalist’s mission is to connect people to nature and advance biodiversity science and conservation.

Recommended language for charitable gifts through estate plans to iNaturalist

General Purpose Specific Bequest

I give, devise, and bequeath ___________ (insert dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to iNaturalist (Tax ID 92-1296468), or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with headquarters located at PO Box 150357, San Rafael, CA 94915-0357, to be used for connecting people to nature and advancing biodiversity science and conservation.

General Purpose Residuary Bequest

I give, devise, and bequeath ___________ (insert % amount) of all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to iNaturalist (Tax ID 92-1296468), or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, with headquarters located at PO Box 150357, San Rafael, CA 94915-0357, to be used for connecting people to nature and advancing biodiversity science and conservation.

Benefits of a Legacy Gift

For more information, or to notify us of a legacy gift intent, please contact us at legacy@inaturalist.org with the subject "Legacy Gift."

Revised on June 6, 2024 09:29 PM by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer