Kristy Brauch Clougherty

Joined: Sep 5, 2015 Last Active: Jun 14, 2024 iNaturalist

I am a CA Master Gardener, nature educator, and citizen scientist in Pasadena CA. I use a program called Nature in a Box (NIB) provided by Eaton Canyon Nature Center as well as my own kits/materials. The kits include a wide variety of nature objects/resources and CA Indian materials that tie into my lessons.

I tend to a large (10,000 sq.ft.) certified wildlife garden at my home that provides me the ability to study birds, monarchs and other wildlife. Additionally I secured a grant that allowed the community to plant a pollinator garden in a local park with 100 native pollinator plants. I share my garden findings in my teachings with others. I have had great success with local government support, and in 2016, the Mayor of Pasadena took the Mayor's Monarch's Pledge. I participate in leading activities in the schools and community that support the pledge.

My monarch studies is my primary outreach. Organizations I am affiliated with are Monarch Alert, for tagging, Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, Project Monarch Health, for Oe and tachinid research, and Journey North, (both citizen science and Symbolic Butterflies).

Through social media (NextDoor/FaceBook) I have connected with many interested friends and neighbors who eagerly report to me when they find larva and monarchs on their plants. If you grow it they will come!

Please feel free to contact me with questions about my projects. I am slowing uploading my data to this site and it is extremely time consuming. (Update: My projects are so time consuming I have not been able to update this source as often as I'd hope. Please forgive the outdated entries. 10/2017)

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