
Joined: Apr 27, 2019 Last Active: Jun 25, 2024 iNaturalist

I have absolutely (rather obsessively) fallen in love with iNaturalist! I am a psychotherapist from Minnesota, and I have been a birder for many years. I love hiking, and I am thrilled to see a new plant, or creature. I have a fascination for mushrooms. I was sparked when I crouched down to look at something on a log. I saw the tiniest mushroom I have ever orange bonnet. I photographed it, and then realized I needed to put something else in the photo, for scale. I bet you could fit nearly 100 of these mushrooms on my fingernail! I am married, and I have 2 “kids”, 20 years apart. My son is also a psychotherapist, and my daughter is an Olympian, recently returned from competing (sailing) in Tokyo. I love traveling.

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