Joined: Oct 9, 2017 Last Active: Sep 6, 2024 iNaturalist
Hi! I'm Katie, a plant ecologist and at-large land steward living in Illinois. 🔥 My expertise is the flora of the upper Midwest.
Heatmap of my observations
Heatmap of my identifications
Organizations, blogs, and resources to check out:
🌱 Friends of Illinois Nature Preserves
🌱 Illinois Native Plant Society
🌱 Strategies for Stewards
🌱 Plants of Concern
🌱 A Botanist's Field Notes
🌱 Illinois Botany group on Facebook
Online resources for learning and identifying the flora:
🌱 Flora of North America
🌱 Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States
🌱 Michigan Flora key
And learning about plant characteristics so you can identify them:
🌱 Vascular Plant Systematics