

Successful Pilot Foray

So, this weekend (30-Sep-2023) we held a "pilot" foray in Elk Island National Park for board members of the Friends of Elk Island Society and a few invited guests. Martin Osis (past president of the Alberta Mycological Society) was on hand to validate our mushroom IDs. The weather cooperated and it was a good day, although the mushrooms were not plentiful. Everyone had fun and it was a worthwhile introduction to the project.

There were a few lessons to be learned from this pilot, namely:

  1. The project admin can't add photos to the observations, only the owner of the observation can do that. If I take additional photos for documentary reasons we will need to find a way to add those to the observation. Maybe upload them to the AMS site and then just add a link in the comments?
  2. It's time consuming to review all the observations and add the iNat numbers to the vouchers after the event. We should encourage participants to include the iNat number. (It's hard
  3. ...more ↓
Posted on October 2, 2023 04:02 AM by rickwatts rickwatts | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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The Beaver Hills Mycoflora project is organised by Rick Watts on behalf of the Friends of Elk Island Society. and in collaboration with the Alberta Mycological Society.

This is a planned three ...more ↓

rickwatts created this project on September 30, 2023
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