2016 - What a Year for Biodiversity Exploration in San Benito County!

Hi Everyone,

Last year we generated 5,785 iNaturalist records for San Benito County - well over half of all the records in iNaturalist to date (10,138). As of today, those records have been identified down to 1,322 species, which is 63% of all species yet recorded in iNat for San Benito County (2,088 total). But with records review and uploading any outstanding photos you still have on your phone or camera for 2016, those numbers might go up more. I would like to take a look at totals for taxonomic groups, but will wait a couple more weeks for folks to do any more records clean-up you might have pending. So please take a look at your accounts and see if there are records to add or that you can refine further and I will take a look again at the end of January to summarize how we did on dragonflies, fungi, plants, mammals, etc.

And if you can't wait to get out there and gather more into for San Benito, we have launched a Biodiversity Big Year for 2017!


This year we would like especially to seek out species that occur in San Benito but have not yet been documented within iNaturalist. In the coming weeks, we will post some lists of target species that are known from museum records or other sources to occur in San Benito but don't have an iNaturalist record yet. This is your chance to be the first!



Posted on January 11, 2017 03:52 AM by danielgeorge danielgeorge


Hey, do you know about Nemacladus secundiflorus var. robbinsii? Last seen in San Benito County near the junction of Hwys 146 and 25 near the entrance of Pinnacles in 1956! Relocating that would fit perfectly into the 2017 goals. I certainly plan to look this spring. Seems to me it wouldn't be too far off the beaten path for @danielgeorge, either!

Posted by abr over 7 years ago

@abr - Keir Morse (former Pinnacles plant biotech) has photos in CalPhotos from Pinnacles in 2008. The lat/long data may not be accurate, though -- the error is huge. I think that was a way to indicate it's in the park without needing to enter specific location data for each record. In any case, it would be great to find this species again. FWIW, Jepson says it's found on gravelly slopes. The soils in the area you refer to are decomposed granite -- I'd say more coarse sand than gravel. But maybe that works, too. I don't think I've ever seen this species. Looking forward to it!

Posted by euproserpinus over 7 years ago

Contributing to the SBCBBY 2016 was the most fun I've had as an iNat contributor! I explored parts of the county I'd never seen before and discovered many new plants that are now among my favorites. Didn't hurt that I had a bet riding on the outcome with @rjadams55 who now owes me a premium bottle of tequila. Anyone for a wager in 2017?

Posted by gbentall over 7 years ago

@gbentall I haven't dreamed up a wager for 2017, but I love that a bottle of tequila was somehow involved in the 2016 effort. Hope to see you out on the trails sometime soon. Paul and I are dreaming up some targeted mini-blitz ideas for the year. Would love to have you involved. Cheers.

Posted by danielgeorge over 7 years ago

The mini-blitzes sound like fun! I would love to participate in a lichen blitz, especially if it was accompanied by a lichen ID workshop!

Posted by gbentall over 7 years ago

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