

The Hidden Uses of iNaturalist

This month's journal entry is brought to you by Kat Forbes, Bruce Trail Conservancy Trail Ambassador for the Niagara Section:

It is no secret that iNaturalist has many uses. Learning species ID, becoming a citizen scientist and contributing to various projects, gaining a greater appreciation for the nature on the trail and all around us – these are perhaps the most common uses for iNaturalist.

While these are all wonderful uses of this free app, there are so many other ways to use iNaturalist, such as helping with garden planning, creating a bingo game, making a species list, and more!

Gardening and Land Planning – What Will Grow Best
Gardeners and landowners interested in renaturalizing their yards can use iNaturalist to determine species that will grow best in their area.

When creating a planting plan, I consider the area where I would like to plant.

What is the soil like? Wet or dry; sandy, loamy, or

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Posted on July 8, 2024 08:57 PM by shimeem shimeem | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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The Bruce Trail Conservancy is gathering information along the Bruce Trail to increase the Bruce Trail Conservancy's knowledge of species along the Trail, including endangered and invasive species. To get involved and to join this project, please visit the Bruce Trail Conservancy website: ...more ↓

jackie57 created this project on February 20, 2018
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