

Oaks in Oklahoma

Howdy! I am glad you are interested in oak trees, and in particular, oak trees as they occur in Oklahoma. You might be wondering why this project exists - I am interested in crowd-sourcing and educating people on the diversity and occurrence of oak species in our state. It is important to understand where these oaks are occurring now, and to revisit and see if they are maintaining a population, declining, or increasing. Single-handedly, I could never monitor the status and range of oak species in Oklahoma, so it is necessary to bring in the observations of folks who are really interested in oaks and associated ecosystems in Oklahoma. This information is ours, and we will decide how it will be used. Cheers all! Contact me with any questions, my email is

Posted on August 25, 2016 08:43 PM by postoak501 postoak501 | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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This project is open to anyone who encounters and records an Oak (genus Quercus) anywhere in Oklahoma. With a photo and location, as well as any additional information about habitat (sandstone, limestone, clay, hilly, swampy, etc.), we can begin to increase our understanding of the distribution of oaks in Oklahoma. Our state is unique, ecologically, in that we are at the transition of forest ...more ↓

postoak501 created this project on August 25, 2016
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