Final Species List!

Hello everyone - we'd like to thank you all for attending our Heiberg Forest moth night on July 20th! While it was a bit chilly and activity tapered off early, we ended up with a respectable diversity of moths: 49 species! These data are valuable for National Moth Week efforts to help scientists better understand the distribution, ecology, and conservation status of our native moth species.
While not all observations have been expert-verified yet, I have compiled a semi-final species list for the night. This list will also be sent out over email as a pdf. Our rarest species was probably Packard's Carpet, and our most speciose family was Geometridae!

So without further ado, enjoy!

Those denoted with an asterisk are, at the time of writing, not verified/identified to species, and thus are subject to future change. Such changes would be reflected on the specific observation posts which can be found on the project page.

Family Argyresthiidae
Argyresthia oreasella - Cherry Shoot Borer

Family Autostichidae
Taygete attributella - Triangle-marked Twirler

Family Crambidae
Crambus agitatellus - Double-banded Grass-veneer
Desmia funeralis complex - Grape Leaffolder
Elophila faulalis - aquatic crambid
Herpetogramma aeglealis - Serpentine Webworm
Herpetogramma sp. - webworm sp.*
Microcrambus biguttellus - Gold-striped Grass-veneer

Family Depressariidae
Agonopterix pulvipennella - Goldenrod Leaffolder

Family Erebidae
Halysidota harrisii/tessellaris - tussock moth sp.
Haploa confusa - Confused Haploa
Hypoprepia fucosa - Painted Lichen Moth
Zanclognatha laevigata - Variable Fan-foot*

Family Gelechiidae
Dichomeris flavocostella - Cream-edged Dichomeris

Family Geometridae
Caripeta divisata - Gray Spruce Looper
Costaconvexa centrostrigaria - Bent-lined Carpet
Dyspteris abortivaria - Bad-Wing Moth
Ecliptopera silaceata - Small Phoenix*
Epirrhoe alternata - White-banded Toothed Carpet*
Eugonobapta nivosaria - Snowy Geometer
Eulithis diversilineata/gracilineata - Grapevine Looper
Euphyia intermediata - Sharp-angled Carpet*
Idaea dimidiata - Single-dotted Wave
Macaria pustularia - Lesser Maple Spanworm
Melanolophia canadaria - Canadian Melanolophia
Mesoleuca ruficillata - White-ribboned Carpet
Scopula limboundata - Large Lace-border
Xanthorhoe ferrugata - Red Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe packardata - Packard's Carpet

Family Gracillariidae
Acrocercops astericola - Aster Tentiform Blotchminer*
Caloptilia sp. - leaf blotch miner sp.*

Family Lasiocampidae
Malacosoma disstria - Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth

Family Noctuidae
Achatodes zeae - Elder Shoot Borer
Cucullia convexipennis - Brown-hooded Owlet
Diarsia jucunda - Smaller Pinkish Dart*
Pseudeustrotia carneola - Pink-barred Pseudeustrotia
Tricholita signata - Signate Quaker

Family Notodontidae
Clostera albosigma - Sigmoid Prominent
Gluphisia septentrionis - Common Gluphisia Moth

Family Oecophoridae
Callima argenticinctella - Orange-headed Callima

Family Plutellidae
Plutella xylostella - Diamondback Moth

Family Pyralidae
Aphomia sp. - bee moth sp.*

Family Tortricidae
Archips packardiana - Spring Spruce Needle Moth
Archips purpurana - Omnivorous Leafroller
Argyrotaenia velutinana - Red-banded Leafroller
Hedya separatana - Pink-washed Leafroller
Notocelia rosaecolana - Doubleday's Notocelia Moth
Olethreutes permundana - Raspberry Leafroller*
Olethreutes sp. - leafroller moth sp.*

Posted on August 7, 2024 01:45 AM by mollymjacobson mollymjacobson


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