

On the Road Again

Roads are a vital piece of infrastructure. They are necessary for transportation, whether it be personal travel, the shipment of goods, or other reasons. They connect communities, often forming dense networks anywhere large numbers of people can be found. As such, it is a bit of a shame that they are something of a nightmare when it comes to conservation work – especially when it comes to animals that are slow to rebound from population declines like turtles.

Roadkill is a serious threat to turtles. Over the past few years, the Canadian Wildlife Federation turtle team has documented more than 1,800 dead turtles on roads in eastern Ontario. That is a staggering amount of roadkill which is likely not sustainable. A majority of the dead turtles we found were Painted Turtles, but we also found many Snapping Turtles and Blanding’s Turtles. Given that all freshwater turtles in Canada are species at risk, roadkill is another reason turtles are declining.

We can all do our ...more ↓

Posted on June 20, 2024 05:47 PM by davidseburn davidseburn | 1 comment | Leave a comment
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Freshwater turtles as a whole are in decline throughout Canada. The Canadian Wildlife Federation's (CWF) initiative is working to change this and we need your help.
Knowing where turtles are found and unfortunately being hit on roads is an important first step to fixing the problem. Tallying everyone's observations will help us target which roads we need to look at for ...more ↓

jpage_cwf created this project on May 5, 2017
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