California Lichen Society Annual Meeting: January 26-28, 2024; UC Sedgwick Field Station

January 26 · 10am - January 28 · 4pm
California Lichen Society Annual Meeting
January 24-26, 2020
UC Sedgwick Field Station, Santa Barbara County

From the event website:

The California Lichen Society is planning to hold our annual meeting at the Sedgewick UC Field Station near Santa Barbara. We will take a field trip to notable lichen locations in the vicinity during the day, followed by an evening social, potluck dinner, meeting, and guest lecture at the field station. Our evening guest speakers will be announced soon.

I look forward to welcoming you all to the Sedgewick. It should be a great opportunity to make new friends and catch up with old friends. Everyone is welcome, whether you are a novice or a seasoned lichenologist. Locations and schedule details for both the field trip and the evening session will be sent to registrants before the event.

Camping and limited dorm beds are available at the Sedgewick field station for both Friday and Saturday nights. You are welcome to spend the night or attend for the day only, as you prefer. Hotels are also available reasonably close to the site. Some of our members may gather for additional lichenizing on Friday and / or Sunday--stay tuned for details.

Please be sure to register for camping or a dorm bed as an add-on to your ticket if you want to spend the night on-site. If you are staying for the evening session on Saturday, please bring a contribution for the potluck dinner, per the CALS tradition! We will send out a sign-up for the potluck shortly before the meeting. The kitchen is small so please bring food ready to serve, or as close as possible.

We request a $20-40 donation (in addition to any lodging fees & payable at registration) to help cover the costs of the meeting, but no one will be turned away. Any proceeds beyond the meeting costs will go to support our grants program, which primarily funds student research on lichens. We expect that the cost to CALS of holding the meeting will be about $30 per person (not counting lodging costs)--if you can donate more, this will help us cover registration for student and low income people.

We will offer a limited number of $50 stipends to students who need help covering travel costs to attend the meeting. Please apply here if you would like to request a stipend. We will let you know if we can give you a stipend before the meeting.

Posted on January 20, 2024 01:33 AM by yerbasanta yerbasanta


Awesome! Thx for posting.

Posted by metsa 9 months ago

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