A great trip!

On the road for 18 days, we camped for 2 nights at each of the following provincial parks:
Esker Lakes
René Brunelle
Sleeping Giant
Neys (3 mights)
Windy Lake (1 night)

Highlights included a beautiful paddle in the meandering river at Bonnechère (lovely jewel wing dragonflies, flowering aquatics), fabulous hikes and swimming at Driftwood (awesome pic of interrupted fern, beautiful view of the Ottawa River) + visiting the Dumoine Zec and hiking along the Grande Chute on the Québec side, beautiful waterfalls and trail (and berries) at Kap-Kig, lovely paddle and hikes, also a giant marmotte and a brilliant garter snake at Esker Lakes, Mike's drive up to Little Long Rapids from René Brunelle up beyond the 50th parallel, lovely paddle and another drive up (to Aroland) for Michael from MacLeod, superb trails, a fox catching a snowshoe hare, pelicans and a mamma rough grouse at Sleeping Giant, fabulous paddling in Lake Sup. and up the Little Pic River, hikes, incredible swims and sunsets at Neys. Windy Lake was a good place to wind down. :)

Posted on August 2, 2020 08:02 PM by mireille_delisle_oldham mireille_delisle_oldham


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