Introducing the "Quabbin Reservoir Region"

Hi all,

I've successfully added a new place into iNaturalist called the "Quabbin Reservoir Region" which will help automatically populate this project to include the ecosystems associated with the Quabbin such as red and white oak, red pine, birch, and hemlock forests and wetlands, swamps, talus slopes, and bedrock outcrops (Amherst College, 2008). This way, Quabbin wildlife that lives within the bounds that I've created will be accurately accounted for.

I'd love to hear your feedback and if the bounds should be adjusted. Originally, I was going to designate places for each town bordering the Quabbin separately, but doing so would put unnecessary stress on the iNaturalist servers, which I would hate to do. iNaturalist has provided a platform for us to share our observations with the community and I want to respect that wholeheartedly.

As of this morning, all Mammalian observations from my newly defined "Quabbin Reservoir Region" have populated into this project and all future observations will too. I'm extremely happy to say that the launch of this project has exceeded my expectations. Thank you everyone!


Posted on December 4, 2023 12:03 AM by bmaher222 bmaher222


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