Journal Entry (Leran Wang)

Some adapations of one of my observation.

Jujube: In order to survive in cold winter, the jujube tree has a characteristic-----Winter dormancy. This allows them to withstand temperatures below zero in winter. A wide range of temperature that the jujube tree can withstand make their distribution is extremely wide (Southern to Northern China).

According to “One zoom”: Lotus belongs to plant domain, Magnoliopsida, Nymphaeales, Nymphaeaceae, Nuphar.

I cannot find common adaptions for all of my observations, since they are not same species. Some of them from desert, some of them from rainforest. I do find common adaptions for water pennyworts and lotus. Their roots and root hair are absent because they both live in water.

One common adapations for Fern and Asparagus Fern. When you touch their leaves, you will feel very waxy, almost like a cactus. This can help them keeping water, especially in dry conditions.

Posted on September 22, 2020 01:51 PM by leranwang leranwang


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