Banana yucca

A cold front has moved in and northern Arizona is cold out there! Yet, there are still neat plants to observe, even in winter! Banana yucca (Yucca baccata), for instance, occurs throughout Arizona and, because it’s evergreen, we can observe it anytime during the year. Banana yucca received its name because the fruit look like small, green bananas. Unlike most other species of yucca, which have dry fruits, banana yucca’s fruits are fleshy and edible (for preparation instructions/flavor description check out this site: Of course, other parts of yucca plants are useful as well – the leaves can be used as natural fiber for weaving into baskets and other products and the roots can be used in natural shampoos or soaps.

Posted on February 3, 2020 09:42 PM by azscurfpea azscurfpea


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