Red pine

Red pines are eukaryotes and are seed plants, or Spermatophyta. The red pine branches off 5 times after seed plants on the OneZoom phylogenetic tree, and is most closely related to the European black pine. One adaptation that all plant species from my observations share is in their structural adaptations to manage the cold, harsh Montreal winters. The dark colors of some plants aid in photosynthesis by absorbing more photon energy from the sun, some trees like maples and oak drop their leaves in the fall to conserve energy in the winter, and coneflowers go dormant. One unique adaptation that red pines have is their needle shaped leaves which lose less water than leaves with larger surface area lose. Additionally, the shape of pine needles causes less snow to sit on the tree during the winter, which weigh it down and block it from sunlight.

Posted on September 24, 2020 09:59 PM by callaschultz callaschultz


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