Taxonomy details for Subgenus Diaspananthus

Relationship: Deviation

iNaturalist Canada Plants of the World Online
Subgenus Ainsliaea (parent: Genus Ainsliaea) Not external
Subgenus Diaspananthus (parent: Genus Ainsliaea)
Section Aggregatae (parent: Subgenus Ainsliaea)
Section Ainsliaea (parent: Subgenus Ainsliaea)
Section Alternae (parent: Subgenus Ainsliaea)
Section Intermediae (parent: Subgenus Ainsliaea)

An updated phylogeny of Ainsliaea (Asteraceae: Pertyoideae) and its implications for classification and habit evolution, Zhang et al., 2024:

Created by kai_schablewski on July 26, 2024