On trembling aspen. 10 trees, old trees, 4 of them fallen. prolly 2 dozen thalli/ tree - no other pannaria in the vicinity
Les odonates furent tous ramassés par l'équipe du GDDPC
Netted by Laurel Bernard
Specimen to be deposited in NB Museum
Caught during NB Biota event for Loch Alva PNA
exploring areas around original occurrences found by Alain Belliveau; with @jakenwalker; 1 thallus on Amelanchier species; also on several other trees on this island including on red maple and red oak; one red maple hosting hundreds of thalli extending from 2 ft above ground into canopy.
On a red maple. No idea if this is a known location,
Another nearby observed by ashlea03
Noticed a Robin attacking it as we drove up. I stopped and picked it up, moving it to the grass on the far side of the road (not sure which direction it was aiming for unfortunately).
I know this is not a Pygmy, but I thought they were the only one to have yellowish forewings. This was about 2 inches in length. I actually stayed with this snaketail for over an hour and it hardly changed color. Was this to do with the dark day and no sun?
I was able to find 5 different individuals on this night
new site. 1 thallus on red maple. Third photo shows lower surface cyphellae.
Large pickerel (54cm long at tail fork) found dead with a dead white sucker (36cm long at tail fork - pictured) in mouth.
On hilltop oak
On a multi trucked maple at edge of swamp maybe just above swamp
Female #2 w prey
Something dug it up and ate part of it
maybe? on red maple, several trees, many thalli
On Acer rubrum
On forest floor/litter under Tsuga in an old-growth Eastern hemlock stand.
Saw four within 100 m of each other on the forest floor.
out of focus or lense covered in moisture
On rotting maple
High on tippy top of highest rock of this giant granite outcrop
never noticed it so far removed from a shore before
on Acer rubrum with P rubiginosa, Normandina pulchella , Protopannaria pezizoides in maple/ fir swamp (with 5 trees of sticta fuliginosa)
On Acer rubrum at lakeshore
20~ thalli
on Phaeophyscia on Ironwood with 20+ thalli of A. palmulata
3 thalli on mature sugar maple
not sure of species
84cm DBH
nearby another at 55cm DBH
On balsam fir 32ft up! trunk of tree I was cutting with chainsaw that had fallen over the road
On Red maple within 10m of hwy 325. Host tree is 60-70% covered in Pannaria lurida thalli. Very impressive!
balsam fir branch
Uncertain of ID
INat suggested this
Moth had been parasitized
On Beech sapling
On red maple.
On red maple in Swampy drainage. Near small stand of wild thuya.
4 thalli. 2m high
On red maple in a riverside swamp.
Hanging from the underside of a bent trunk
Several thalli of various sizes. A few, just forming, apothecia.
Abundant pycnidia
Sample collected for identification.
On oak. Found this towards end of long day and did not at first recognize it as blue felt. Only the one clear photo . Lower toe of oak covered slope turning to mix with pine
Growing on maple.
on black ash; 10 mature thalli, 2 immature, on 2 trees (approx 4 m apart.); in opem wooded fen / sparsely treed swamp of black ash and red maple, understory with virginia chain fern, cinnamon fern, and numerous sedge species.
On Fraxinus nigra trunk in deciduous swamp forest. ID
On Red maple, dense Black Huckleberry shrub cover in habitat. Also note: Anzia colpodes adjacent to the Parmotrima.
On red maple in old, quite-closed, hemlock/red maple forest. Relatively dry ground: wet areas mapping category 4 (2.01 - 10.0m). Spore assessment forthcoming.
On bark of mature to old Acer rubrum in old Acer rubrum - Abies balsamea swamp with other rare lichen species. Cross sections in microscope are to show dry (thinner) vs wet (thicker) thickness, graticule unit is 10 microns.
Growing on red oak.
Syrphus sp.. Keys out to S. rectus on Vockeroth (1992) through 1-2-11-12. Looks more like S. knabi to me. 11-12 (frons blackish throughout) seems doubtful on this specimen so I looked into it. I believe problem might be at 2-11: at least some preapical setulae on midleg basitarius brown/black (picture 7). Might some S. knabi have a few brown setulae on basitarius?
This specimens does have key features of S. knabi with hind basitarius orange and contrasting following tarsomeres (picture 6) and face with dots above antennae and partly yellow frons (picture 5).
Female. S. brachygaster? Katepisternum pollinose (pic 1 & 2), Tarsi all dark (pic 3). Firth tergum looks broader than long (pic 4) but does not look like S. flavimana (postpronotum dark, femur unicolored (pic 1 & 2)).
Both S. flavomaculata and brachygaster are supposed to have an apicomedial cleft on T5, I can see/find one (pic 4). Vertex pile long (pic 5), T2 broad, mesonotum pollinose (pic 6), femur unicolored - S. brachygaster? Using Coovert & Thompson 1977.
23 mm total length
Sympetrum Danae?
12 mm
found crossing road between two swamps, spotted by Natural Resources Student Sam Watts on night-time herp walk. First I've seen.
1- Body Shot
2- close-up on pinch point
5- underside, showing white belly with speckles (sorry dude)
larger subpopulation at south end of bog
MTRI Second Annual Kespukwitk iNat Competition Sep 18-26, 2021
observed one male
Yes, Charlotte County, the Amberwings have finally arrived. I am positive a week ago that I saw one at my sisters cottage, but went back on Friday and could not find anything, but I know what I saw and it was Amberwings, and I will go back again this week. So, I moved on to another favorite spot of mine and we struck Eastern Amberwings,,,,,,lucky 7 in total and all males. I am sure the females are there but needless to say I was sooooo excited I could hardly take the photos and it was really hard to paddle especially in the wind.
Uncertain ID. Found growing on the bark of a very old eastern hemlock (submitted separately).