Photos / Sounds


Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)




October 21, 2019 02:13 PM NZDT


ID mostly based on the strong demarcation between the white belly and brown breast. The base of the bill and leg colours are a bit dark. It's been seen regularly at this spot since the 16th of October.

Photos / Sounds


Oceanic Manta Ray (Mobula birostris)




November 2019


Yesterday I heard that a giant manta ray was washed up on Rarawa and today @clinton was coming up to see it and do an autopsy. We met on Rarawa and @indeynz was also there.

This is also the first recorded wash up of the Oceanic Manta Ray in NZ. All other records have been live sightings.

This female was about 4m across from wing tip to wing tip - the photo with the bucket one side and the spade the other side marks the ends of the wings.

The next three photos show the eye, the gills and the teeth on the bottom jaw, which are followed by some of the internal organs, and the good news is that plastic was not found inside!

The next part to be autopsied was the spine and finally the tail was removed.