Pachyrhamma fusca
Collected: 1958
Collected by: A. M. Richards
Damp streamside soil under Tradescantia; mixed native and introduced vegetation in regenerating bush. Shell is at least partially translucent.
On bottom on leaf turned for pics.
після бомбардувань
after the bombing
Same bird as previous posting, this time a couple of days later on nearby shell bank - again with South Island Oyster Catchers.
This ID is for the tara prey item
Foraging on piper. Another fish predator also working the school. The kororā 'quacked' several times on the surface despite no other penguins around. Prey observation here
Maybe a juvenile? Moderate SW winds and frothy seas. Found dead on high tide line - recently washed in as I am sure it wasn't there when i walked south, but was when I walked back to the north