Collected 7/16/23 at 3:24pm while fruiting on a sunny, 70° F day in Alder-dominant forest edge along a road. Leaves textured, berries edible and sweet though seedy. Around 6 feet in height with thorns on branches. Identified primarily by the orange berries and 3 leaflets.
Weather is sunny and clear in the photos. Observation located in Olympia, WA. Habitat is urban with cedars dominating over story.
Leaves pinnately lobed, green, pubescent. Flowers white, arranged in panicle inflorescence. Plant woody shrub.
Phenological phase: flowering.
Weather clear, warm.
Habitat urban, dominant over story cedar.
White flowers arranged in compound corymb. Plant herbaceous. Leaves fernlike, bipinnately compound.
Phenological phase: flowering.
Weather sunny, clear.
Habitat: riparian zone of wetland. Dominant over story cedar.
Leaves opposite, glabrous, ovate, spinose. Underripe prolate fruits lime green, turning purple. Woody shrub.
Phenological phase: fruiting.
Found on a cliff side Ruby Beach next to the ocean. Plant associations found next to Achillea.
Found along side the road near wet lands. Growing next to it was Giant horsetail, Fringed willoherb, Broadleaf cattail. In the woods nearby were Big leaf maple, nine leaf maple, Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock, and Fir trees.
Found near a park next to maples, vine leaf maples, huckleberries, and found in shady damp forest.
Found on moist rocky creek bank. Whole plant about 6 in tall. Achenes subtended by scale, not enclosed. Spikelets solitary, rounded, thicker than stem. Tubercle forms distinct apical cap. Achenes yellow to brown, scales red-brown.
Substrate: red sandstone
nw facing rockwall, dry
Sunny 76 Degrees
Edge of Deciduous Forest
Small deep veined leaves, big drooping flower bunches
Golden green plant that has 2.5 to 4 mm long "leaves" that seem to curl a little inward. Sporophytes are a blackish red color. Found on the trunk of a big leaf maple in a large mat with a couple others Bryophytes.
Small low to the ground bush to ground cover plant. Stems are covered in tiny needle-like thorns that relatively stick out straight from the stem. Leaves are separated into up to 7 leaflets that have serrated edges. Located in direct sunlight, on the side of a trail.
Deciduous shrub, red berries with crown, oval shaped leaves.
Temp: 73
Notes will update
Weather: Dry, Full Sun, 89°F
Habitat: Wetland/Pond area
Diagnostic Features: Bright yellow flowers with a dark cone center, not sure the species.
72F sunny no clouds, found adjacent to a cut down Bigleaf maple. The area has an over story of Bigleaf maples and there are multiple rhododendron bushes. It looks to be in its flowering stage.
Dappled shaded area with old growth and secondary old growth forest. In an area that had been disturbed at one point in time.
Full sun above the canopy & 23 degrees Celsius.
dappled shade beneath a canopy of secondary old growth.
Dappled shade under the canopy of Douglas fir with some Alder. Found on the side of a trail.
On the side of a trail under the canopy of Douglas Fir. Dappled shade.
The moss appears dried and shiveled in early July with a stretch of high heat. Olive to light green with leaves that are 3-5 mm long. Found growing on forest floor with possible decomposing wood underneath a canopy of Douglas Fir. Dappled shade.
Still learning bryophtes. Found growing on moist soil of forest floor. Douglas Fir canopy. Branched leaves 1.5-2.0mm long with a circle of branches at the tips. Light green, glossy. Growing in mats 4-8 cm in height.
22° C
Dappled shade under Douglas Fir canopy, alongside the trail.
Next to parking lot B, on the edge of wooded area. Partial shade.
No wind
No rain
Full sun, flowering and fruiting, near falls at tumwater falls, 72 and hot, close to western sword ferns
In shade near a walking path, 72 and sunny, tumwater falls