R. palmatus is the name that could be applied, but sequence data indicates there is at least one other Rhodotus in the midwest. On the butt of a cut fallen tree in Carya, Ulmus, Quercus area. Same fruits as in this observation.
Growing in the same location as observation 454185 and observation 454187. Outside of the Northeast corner of Kottman Hall. Growing abundantly under the soil at the base of a Tilia sp. Quercus rubra nearby. Some ascocarps had been excavated and partially eaten by Sciurus carolinensis. Ascocarps up to 35.7 mm wide. Peridium verrucose. Texture firm. Strong pungent odor, described as being like “broccoli with soy sauce” by P. Brandon Matheny and students. I would agree with this description but add that it had a note of garlic.
Originally posted to Mushroom Observer on Apr. 11, 2023.
Used a key by Vellinga, 2007. Species chosen based on it being white with "copious" covering. Found and photographed by Jeremy Brenneis
Dried specimen obtainable with permission from el Herbario Nacional de Bolivia
Originally posted to Mushroom Observer on Oct. 3, 2010.
Dried specimen obtainable with permission from el Herbario Nacional de Bolivia
Originally posted to Mushroom Observer on Oct. 3, 2010.
see also observation 27980008 about 20m away
Large fruiting on upturned log.