Eastern Pacific Nudibranch News: New paper re Eubranchus rupium species complex

Here’s a link to the abstract: https://www.publish.csiro.au/IS/IS24032

Panmixia and local endemism: a revision of the Eubranchus rupium species complex with a description of new species
Darya Y. Grishin , Dimitry M. Schepetov , Tatiana I. Antokhina, Manuel António E. Malaquias, Ángel Valdés and Irina A. Ekimova
Invertebrate Systematics 38, IS24032
Published: 6 August 2024

Posted on August 12, 2024 06:34 PM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


Thanks a lot, Robin!

Posted by hsini_lin about 1 month ago

thanks for sharing!! if i am understanding correctly, the paper confirms (although not its main focus) that E rupium and E olivaceous are genetically distinct with distinct ranges?

Posted by nudibitch about 1 month ago

@nudibitch All I've done so far is add E. novik (Sea of Japan) to iNat. I'll have a thorough read of the paper soon...

Posted by anudibranchmom about 1 month ago

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