Eastern Pacific Nudibranch News: Four Species Renamed: No More Genus Okenia in California

Four name changes to finish out 2023. Your IDs already have changed automatically; you don't need to do anything. :-)

1) Okenia rosacea is now Ceratodoris rosacea. The common name will remain Hopkins' Rose Nudibranch.

2) Okenia plana is now Ceratodoris plana, and the common name has been updated to Flat Goniodorid.

3) Okenia angelensis is now Bermudella angelensis, and the common name has been updated to Los Angeles Goniodorid.

4) Okenia felis is now Goniodoridella felis. The common name has been updated to Cat Goniodorid.

Here's the paper, which also includes more changes outside the Eastern Pacific (thanks @hsini_lin for posting the link):

Paz-Sedano, S.; Moles, J.; Smirnoff, D.; Gosliner, T. M.; Pola, M. (2023). A combined phylogenetic strategy illuminates the evolution of Goniodorididae nudibranchs (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 107990. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107990

Posted on December 30, 2023 11:21 PM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


P.S. All four names have been updated in the California Nudibranch Guide: https://www.inaturalist.org/guides/40

Posted by anudibranchmom 9 months ago

I've done all these genera changes on iNat in the past few days:
Okenia to Bermudella
Okenia to Cargoa
Okenia to Ceratodoris
Okenia to Naisdoris
Okenia to Goniodoridella
Goniodoris to Okenia
Goniodoris to Pelagella


Posted by hsini_lin 9 months ago

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