Journal archives for July 2021

July 1, 2021

Birds and the heat wave

Unprcedented in recorded temperature history, the heat wave with temps above 40C for 5 straight days in the Interior of BC is impacting bird behaviour.

Smaller birds are more active in the first hour of daylight and then are not seen for the rest of the day outside of hedge rows. Sparrows and tanagers in particular do not even show up at the feeder or the fountains after 9:30am . European banded doves have been notably absent for the entire heat wave. Crows and magpies are still being seen at the fountain, with robins out once or twice after dawn in daylight hours.

All birds big and small displaying open beak behaviour whenever perched. Birdbath has not been used once - very unusual.

Honeybees and wasps flying to any water source from the fountains to the pool. Dragonfly observed dying upon landing on the ground in the front yard.

Posted on July 1, 2021 04:05 PM by marshall20 marshall20 | 2 comments | Leave a comment
