Joined: Jul 19, 2023 Last Active: Sep 14, 2024 iNaturalist
A retired landscaper and lover of nature in all it's forms. I'm mostly self taught and I am glad others can check my identifications!
I'm most experienced with Northern California but I've traveled the west of the US plus the Washington DC area and Hawaii.
I've made several visits to Sicily along with most of Western Europe as well as Romania, British Columbia, Australia, Figi, and South East Asia.
With my husband, I volunteered to monitor rare vernal pool plants around Santa Rosa, some within walking distance. We have also planted many local natives along the public creek near our home over the last 18 years from Alder to Blue Elderberry to Madia Elegans-Elegant Tarweed. Many have survived and some are spreading on their own without our assistance.It took about 10 years for Pipevine Swallowtails to find the native Aristolochia we planted. We are delighted to find the amazing caterpillars in the last couple years.
After major surgery, I'm concentrating on observations in my own small garden and the creek adjacent to our home I'm delighting in small discoveries.
It's taken me too long to join I-Naturalist. As Joey Santore says "ALL MY PHOTOS FREE TO USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL & EDUCATIONAL USE AS LONG AS CREDIT IS GIVEN"