
Joined: May 2, 2020 Last Active: Sep 28, 2024 iNaturalist

I’m a recent graduate from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science related to the environmental science realm. The ability to collaborate with other botanists and lichenologists, my passion for plant and lichen taxonomy, and being able to identify plants and lichens from all over Alberta from a computer, especially in the winter (I know how nerdy right!), has led me to become addicted to utilizing the iNaturalist platform. Currently, I am trying to refine my skills for more challenging taxa/groups like Poaceae, Carex, Salix, and microlichens. A passion project I currently have on the go is assessing macro- and micro- lichen diversity in the six-mile coulee in Lethbridge. Thank you to everyone who has assisted with an ID or confirmed one of my observations!

Some of my observation locations are set to obscured or private out of respect for the clients and landowners I work for or because the species has some sort of at-risk status. Feel free to reach out privately if you need site specific information to confirm one of my identifications.

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