William B

Joined: Aug 26, 2019 Last Active: Jul 26, 2024 iNaturalist Canada

Botany enthusiast and ailurophile. Although fortunate to take a few botany courses at University, I am far from being an expert. Born and raised in coastal British Columbia, I now call southern Ontario home.

“Fires outside in the sky look as perfect as cats”

The most definitive means to distinguish between Celastrus scandens and Celastrus orbiculatus is to observe the position and arrangement of the flowers/fruit on the plant. See: Michigan Flora Online & USGS & Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Del Tredici, P. 2014. Untangling the twisted tale of oriental bittersweet. Arnoldia 71: 2 –18. Links: pdf & html

It is important to note that hybrids can sometimes occur between these two species of Celastrus. See the following paper for details:
Zaya, D. N, S. A. Leicht-Young, N. B. Pavlovic, K. A. Feldheim, & M. V. Ashley. 2015. Genetic characterization of hybridization between native and invasive bittersweet vines (Celastrus spp.). Biological Invasions 17: 2975 –2988. Link

BONAP U.S. County-Level Distributions for Celastrus spp: Link

There are about 40+ species of Celastrus worldwide, with a large number found in east Asia.
Celastrus species listed in Plants of the World Online

Ach, was soll der Mensch verlangen?
Ist es besser, ruhig bleiben?
Klammernd fest sich anzuhangen?
Ist es besser, sich zu treiben?
Soll er sich ein Häuschen bauen?
Soll er unter Zelten leben?
Soll er auf die Felsen trauen?
Selbst die festen Felsen beben.
Eines schickt sich nicht für alle;
Sehe jeder, wie er's treibe,
Sehe jeder, wo er bleibe,
Und wer steht, daß er nicht falle!
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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