Projects from Mongolia

Amphibian biodiversity of Mongolia icon

Amphibian biodiversity of Mongolia

Amphibian biodiversity of Mongolia
Aquatic insects icon

Aquatic insects

Discover the aquatic insects of the world, as they are very important in the ecosystem.
Atlas of the Mammals of Mongolia icon

Atlas of the Mammals of Mongolia

Altas of the Mammals of Mongolia is an open iNaturalist project to gather spatial data on the Mammals of Mo...
Biodiversity of  Mongolia icon

Biodiversity of Mongolia

Discover and document the Biodiversity of Mongolia
Biodiversity of East Asia icon

Biodiversity of East Asia

The biodiversity observations in East Asia
Biological seasonal survey in  Northeast Asia (NEAR Environmental Project) icon

Biological seasonal survey in Northeast Asia (NEAR Environmental Project)

Focusing on "biological surveys" where you can feel the effects of climate change, you can raise awareness ...
Birds of Asia icon

Birds of Asia

All birds of all Asian countries from the East to the West.
Birds of Mongolia icon

Birds of Mongolia

currently there are about 520 species have recorded in Mongolia.
Bumblebees of Mongolia icon

Bumblebees of Mongolia

Bumblebees of Mongolia
Butterflies of Mongolia icon

Butterflies of Mongolia

This project serves to record butterfly species found in Mongolia
Corvids of Mongolia icon

Corvids of Mongolia

Observations of the family Corvidae within Mongolia.
EwA in Mongolia icon

EwA in Mongolia

EwA is in Mongolia! While over there, of course, the goal (other than working on wildlife etiquettes & ...
Flora of Mongolia icon

Flora of Mongolia

Last Update 2022. The checklist comprises 3,041 native vascular plant taxa (2,835 species and 206 infraspe...
Himalayan selected species icon

Himalayan selected species

Himalaya mountains have a collection of cold and drought hardy species.
iNaturalist du Monde icon

iNaturalist du Monde

Aventurons nous, explorerons et partageons la faune et la flore du Monde. Projet créé par : "lafaunesauvag...
iNaturalist Mongolia icon

iNaturalist Mongolia

Монгол дахь амьтны төрөл зүйл
Lichens of Mongolia icon

Lichens of Mongolia

Lichens from Mongolia.
Low Growth Countries and Territories icon

Low Growth Countries and Territories

Countries with low growth in iNat observations in 2023. Based on the [2023 Year In Review](https://www.inat...
Mammals of Mongolia icon

Mammals of Mongolia

This project is to see what species of Mammals are found of Mongolia.
Mongolia - Hutchings Museum icon

Mongolia - Hutchings Museum

Nature observations in Mongolia
Mongolian butterflies icon

Mongolian butterflies

butterflies of Mongolia
Moths of Mongolia icon

Moths of Mongolia

A collection project for moth observations from Mongolia, contributing to the umbrella Moths of Asia project
Mushroom of Mongolia icon

Mushroom of Mongolia

Field collections of Mushroom in Mongolia
Mushrooms of Japan - 日本の茸種 icon

Mushrooms of Japan - 日本の茸種

I'm collecting all the fungi, lichens, and molds in Japan. Feel free to use this project as a guide to mush...
Native and Migratory Birds in Ontario icon

Native and Migratory Birds in Ontario

Track bird species found in Ontario.
Odonata Mongolia icon

Odonata Mongolia

Observations of dragonflies and damselflies in the country
Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis icon

Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis

Most of Tetrigidae observations in iNaturalist originate from the Holoarctic region (North America, North A...
Reptiles and Amphibians of Mongolia icon

Reptiles and Amphibians of Mongolia

This project is to see what species of amphibians and reptiles are found of Mongolia.
S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases icon

S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases

We are creating an open-source database (S-Oases: Senckenberg Oases database) on oases with extensive bibli...
Songinokhairkhan mountain plant phenology research project icon

Songinokhairkhan mountain plant phenology research project

We're trying to make mongolian marmot's dietary selection thesis by micro-histological method. For this the...
Spiders of Mongolia icon

Spiders of Mongolia

We are launching this project to learn more about the species composition, location and diversity of Mongol...
Sussy Baka Quandale dingle amogus icon

Sussy Baka Quandale dingle amogus

This project is mainly a joke. You can post funny memes or images, but you can post serious observations if...
Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm icon

Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm

Erfassung aller Daten der Symphyta der Paläarktis
Syrphidae checklist Mongolia icon

Syrphidae checklist Mongolia

The first comprehensive checklist on the hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of Mongolia is in preparation. Pub...
Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories icon

Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories

Данный проект создан для наблюдения за биоразнообразием мокриц (Oniscidea) постсоветского пространства и пр...
The sound of Anura in East Asia icon

The sound of Anura in East Asia

Some amphibian species have complex calls, such as Pelophylax plancyi and Glandirana emeljanovi. They both ...
Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic icon

Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic

We gather data on the tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) of the Palaearctic realm.
World Oceans Week - 2023 icon

World Oceans Week - 2023

This project is to recognize World Ocean Day June 8th, 2023 70% of the eart...
Z-Draft beroe mitrata icon

Z-Draft beroe mitrata

draft project
Z-Worldwide Marine Life icon

Z-Worldwide Marine Life

Contains organisms that would be found living in the marine environment. This is a work in progress. Diadro...
|| neglected areas - North & Central Asia (Invertebrata) icon

|| neglected areas - North & Central Asia (Invertebrata)

... if you wanted to improve coverage of Invertebrata observations, have a look here. Countries, and provic...
Опасные животные Азии icon

Опасные животные Азии

Список опасных животных Азии
Рыбы Средней Азии и Кавказа icon

Рыбы Средней Азии и Кавказа

Рыбы Средней Азии и Кавказа
Чешуекрылые Монголии icon

Чешуекрылые Монголии

Чешуекрылые Монголии
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